
Dungeon Crawling

Adventures in Naevis typically take the form of structured exploration. The party enters into an unexplored section of the Forgotten City and carefully works their way through hostile territory. Some expeditions may wind through stonehewn tunnels and the lairs of strange beasts. Others may intersect with City Dweller civilizations, ranging from the vast underground libraries of the Tieflings to the underwater temples of the Naga.


Dungeon crawling is different from the styles of play that many are used to. Video games like Baldur’s Gate and Skyrim have their roots in the genre, but favor a combat-heavy approach to exploration. Characters in those settings primarily overcome obstacles through firepower.

In contrast, exploration in Naevis relies on thinking outside the box. Combat is one tool among many, and employing it against certain obstacles (like powerful dragons or magical forcefields) is unlikely to work. Bribery, trickery, ambushes, and ingenuity are common implements used to get around otherwise unfeasible fights.

Mechanical Tweaks

Players and Game Masters familiar with 5E should have little trouble adapting to Naevis. The setting uses the 5E Basic Rules with small modifications to a handful of systems, including encumbrance and resting.

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