Delving Tips
1. Choose Your Fights
You see a band of goblins. Grinning, you reach for your wand and cast the most destructive spell you know, clearing the path. Then you see the goblin camp that they were guarding, and the six goblin war bands rushing out to take revenge.
Use Diplomacy, Bribes, and Ambushes to avoid wasting resources on unnecessary brawls. Similarly, when you do decide to fight, make it as one-sided as possible by finding favorable terrain and surprising your targets.
2. Use Your Head
There is a cloud of mushroom spores ahead, filling the nearby room. You look at your hit points and decide that they’re pretty high; you don’t really need to worry about every little hazard, do you? You step forward and the flame from your torch cause the spores to explode. The party cleric behind you fails their DEX save and is knocked unconscious, just as a group of bandits come out to investigate the commotion.
When faced with an unusual feature, spend some time investigating it. Can you determine if it’s poisonous? Can you tell if it’s magical? If you poke it with a stick, does something happen?
3. Be More Than a Stat Block
You cast Fire bolt, but it washes over the hellhound without causing harm. You look over your character sheet and notice that you don’t have any spells that deal non-fire damage. Thinking for a moment, you run short ways back and stand behind a tripwire trap that the Rogue wasn’t able to disarm.
The abilities listed on a character sheet are not the full extent of your actions. Every character, regardless of class, can shove a bandit off a cliff or throw a flask of oil behind them to slow down pursuers.