
One Continent

Maps of Naevis reach from the Eastern shore of the Elven empire to the Western crags of the Dwarven City-States. Between them lie the endless grasslands of the Human Kingdoms. To their South, the Nameless Desert stretches across fully half the landmass until butting against ocean.

To-date, the Greenlands continent is all that has been chartered. Scholars have theorized that other continents may exist, but just as many argue to the contrary. Neither the Elves nor the Dwarves have yet to prove otherwise.

International Tensions

The Elves and Dwarves of Naevis have warred for millennia. The Elves, believing themselves the rightful stewards of the world, seek to put it all under orderly rule. The Dwarves, a fractious and warlike people, stubbornly refuse to be conquered. Between the two are Halflings, who foster trade, and the Humans, who serve as plentiful peasants.