
You came to the City to be at the forefront of innovation. You have an interest in the unusual materials found within the City and the strange products which might result. Depending on upbringing, you may approach alchemy through scientific principals, occultist texts, or as a discipline of magic.

Skill Proficiency: Nature, Investigation

Tool Proficiency: Two Alchemy Tools

Caustic Defense

You can replicate the effects of the Poison Spray cantrip. If you are a spellcaster, you learn the cantrip and use your spellcasting ability to cast it. Otherwise, your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is Intelligence.


If you are a wizard, you start with the following spells in your spellbook:

Burning Hands, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Identify, Sleep

(Optional) Trait Tables

Personality Traits
d6 Personality Trait
1 I judge a person by the quality of what they’re wearing.
2 I’m prone to daydreaming.
3 I have a near religious reverence for art.
4 I have great respect for simple and practical tools.
5 I have an unorthodox sense of aesthetics.
6 I divide the world into the useful and the useless.
d6 Ideal
1 Skill. I take great pride in my craft and dedicate myself to its improvement.
2 Value. I’m looking to make things that can be sold for large sums of money.
3 Respect. I want to become a big name in my craft.
4 Warfare. I’m mainly interested in the military applications of my craft.
5 Progress. I want my inventions to be found in every household someday.
6 Joy. I craft because the act of doing so brings me happiness.
d6 Ideal
1 Patron. I am sponsored by a well-to-do individual or organization.
2 Rival. Another artisan has wronged me, and I’ll see them ruined for it.
3 Merchant. I sell my own crafts and have several repeat customers.
4 Guild. I belong to a community of like-minded craftsmen.
5 Devotee. My work is religious in nature, and I am affiliated with a specific deity.
6 Apprenticeship. I recently graduated from an apprenticeship to a great craftsman.
d6 Ideal
1 Aesthetic. My crafts have an unorthodox and unpopular appearance.
2 Elitist. I dislike those that can’t appreciate good art.
3 Mercantile. I see the world in profits and losses.
4 Dangerous. I build things that perhaps shouldn’t be made.
5 Oblivious. I’m too focused, often at the expense of my surroundings.
6 Superiority. I’m loathe to admit quality in things I didn’t create.