Halflings live as nomads in winding caravans, carrying trade across all nations. They have an aptitude for luck, bravery, and agility.
Halfling is the language of alchemy. Nearly all recipes are written in the language and use the halfling measurement system. Proficient characters receive a 20% discount when buying alchemics, like potions.
Lightfoot Halfling
Feature | Description |
Ability Scores | +2 to Dexterity and +1 to Charisma |
Speed | 25 ft. walking speed |
Languages | Common, Halfling |
Lucky | when you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. |
Brave | you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. |
Halfling Nimbleness | you can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. |
Small | you are considered small, and have difficulty wielding weapons with the Heavy tag. |
Naturally Stealthy | you can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you. |
Description | Lightfoot halflings come from merchant tribes. They are polite, canny, and well-liked in most lands. |
Stout Halfling
Feature | Description |
Ability Scores | +2 to Dexterity and +1 to Constitution |
Speed | 25 ft. walking speed |
Languages | Common, Halfling |
Lucky | when you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. |
Brave | you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. |
Halfling Nimbleness | you can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. |
Small | you are considered small, and have difficulty wielding weapons with the Heavy tag. |
Stout Resilience | you have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. |
Description | Stout halflings come from hunting tribes. They live harder lives than their Lightfoot brethren, but have hardier bodies in exchange. |
Halflings once lived among humans in villages and shires. They farmed, managed animals, hunted, and lived off the land. When the Elves came, the Halflings fled their homelands while the Humans remained. Now, more than a thousand years later, the Halfling people wander without a home. They live their lives traveling from one land to the next in tribal caravans.
Two Peoples
The Halfling race has two distinct ethnic groups in the current era. The Stout tribes are traditionalists who live off the land as expert hunters. In lean seasons, they work as mercenaries for other nations. The Lightfoot tribes have a far different lifestyle as nomadic merchants. They facilitate the movement of goods between the great powers and organize complex trade agreements.
The two collectives have little in common with one another. Though relations are not cold, they are not warm either, with each struggling to relate to the other. They are known to respect ties of kinship and will aid each other in times of need.
Halfling tribes are traditionally governed by a chieftain, a shaman, and an elder. In Stout tribes these roles are literal; a chieftain is a strong warrior, a shaman is a cultist, and an elder is the oldest living member of the tribe. Lightfoot tribes take a less dated approach. Their chieftain is more accurately called a mayor, their shaman is an educated wizard, and their elder is typically the clan accountant.