Three Rounds

Fast and Lethal

In general, combat should not take longer than three rounds. By that time, whatever the party is fighting should either be dead, driven off, or killing the player characters. This page is intended provide tools for achieving three round combat.


Tabletop games live and die by momentum. When the game is moving at a good pace, the table is full of energy and enjoyment. When the game drags on, players check their phones.


The contents of this section include several GM-facing tools for use in facilitating three round combats. They are optional, and can be used or discarded as the GM sees fit.

Breaking Deadlocks

When a fight hits the end of its third round, introduce a complication.

Sample Complications

d4 Complication
1 A much stronger third party, hostile to both sides, enters the fray and scatter the fight.
2 A large terrain shift, such as impending floods or a cave-in, that disrupts the fight.
3 A wand crackling with lightning is revealed shortly in the distance, changing combat into a footrace.
4 A band of fellow adventurers intervene on the party’s behalf, moping up foes.