You came to the City out of curiosity. You are a wanderer, perhaps a knight errant or a mystic hermit, seeking out adventure in unexplored lands. You know something of fieldcraft and may carry an instrument to wile away sleepless nights spend in dangerous places.
Skill Proficiency: Athletics, Survival
Tool Proficiency: Instruments, Herbalist
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saves. If you already have proficiency, you gain proficiency in Strength or Wisdom saves instead.
If you are a wizard, you start with the following spells in your spellbook:
Burning Hands, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Silent Image, Shield, Sleep
(Optional) Trait Tables
Personality Traits
d6 | Personality Trait |
1 | I take great joy in finding never before seen sights. |
2 | I’m world-weary and comfortable in my own skin. |
3 | I have a burning passion inside me that keeps me from staying in any one place too long. |
4 | I find peace in the quiet lands far from civilization. |
5 | I find dangerous lands to be exciting and seek them out. |
6 | I’m haunted by my past and wander to escape it. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Novelty. I seek out new things to experience. |
2 | Righteousness. I seek out wrongs to put right. |
3 | Treasure. I seek out the rare and the valuable. |
4 | Ascension. I seek out difficulty to go beyond it. |
5 | Hedonism. I seek out laughter, companionship, and good food. |
6 | Historian. I seek out stories, legends, and myths. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Refugee. My home is no more, lost to war or hardship. |
2 | Escapee. I left my home to avoid punishment. |
3 | Student. My master sent me out into the world to better learn its ways. |
4 | Blackened. My master cast me out for a transgression or failure. |
5 | Blue Sky. I cut ties with my past to live freely. |
6 | Dark Water. I fled my past, but one day it will catch up with me. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Flighty. When the going gets tough, I get going. Away from the problem. |
2 | Foolhardy. I blunder into danger far too often for it be a complete accident. |
3 | Stumbling. Living alone does wonders for one’s social skills. |
4 | History. Those who know of my past have a low opinion of me. |
5 | Bristle. I chafe under any kind of restriction. |
6 | Grump. I don’t have manners, and I don’t want them. |