
You came to the City to test your abilities against a true challenge. You may be a tribal chieftain, a sorcerer prince, or a first-generation knight proving your mettle. You specialize in warfare, possessing familiarity with battlefield tactics like first aid and hand signs.

Skill Proficiency: Intimidation, Medicine

Language Proficiency: Cant or One Racial Language

Tool Proficiency: One Alchemy Tool

First Blood

You have advantage on initiative rolls and add your proficiency bonus to the result of such rolls. You cannot be surprised while awake.


If you are a wizard, you start with the following spells in your spellbook:

Burning Hands, Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Shield, Thunderwave

(Optional) Trait Tables

Personality Traits
d6 Personality Trait
1 I’m boisterous and fearless.
2 I’m quiet and have an air of danger.
3 I judge others based on how powerful they are.
4 I have a low opinion of the value of human life.
5 I’m tranquil, accepting fate as it comes.
6 I wield my weapon for a great purpose.
d6 Ideal
1 Justice. To be strong is to protect the weak.
2 Freedom. To be strong is to do as you wish.
3 Order. To be strong is to force others to bend the knee.
4 Invulnerable. To be strong is to endure hardship without complaint.
5 Humility. To be strong is to recognize your own weakness and accept it.
6 Heroism. To be strong is to do deeds that no other can.
d6 Ideal
1 Steward. My people are depending on me to bring honor, glory, and treasure.
2 Resentment. My people scorn my rule, and I need the power to bring them to heel.
3 Competition. I am competing against other candidates to rule, and must prove myself worthy.
4 Escape. Ruling is my birthright, but I escaped to become an adventurer.
5 Idol. My people revere me, and their worship moves me to action.
6 Champion. I am the greatest warrior of my people, and I embody their ideals.
d6 Ideal
1 Ego. I let my status go to my head.
2 Never Surrender. I fight even when the battle is surely lost.
3 Bloodthirsty. I enjoy the high of battle more than I should.
4 Competitive. The mere idea that I might be weaker than someone drives me mad.
5 Grim. I welcome death whenever it should come.
6 Broken. I have seen too much bloodshed already.